Thursday, February 02, 2006

Working For Cartoon Central

If you look at the comments on my last post, you'll see this dude commented and asked me to endorse him to be hired for Cartoon Network. How funny. Seems he doesn't do drugs, he's 26 years old, has his education and he's ready to rock and roll.

For a moment I thought about linking over to him but my goodness, someone really doesn't like this person or something. Follow the link in the comment if you like.

I'm 34 years old, don't do drugs and I'm ready to rock and roll. Will that get me a job on Cartoon Network? How 'bout Comedy Central? That way I can hit on John Stewart.

Anyway, does anyone have anything to say about WavePad?

If you land a job at Comedy Central and begin hitting on Jon Stewart, I want a piece of that action.
Oh, funny. This is my blog, thank goodness. Cartoon Central should say Cartoon Network.
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