Sunday, December 04, 2005

Legislation On Time Spent Online

My hubby was going on in his usual way the other day about the government and how corrupt politicians were, etc... Most of the time, since I have no ability to argue the point either way, I ignore him. I like to get the facts from more than one source, you see, and I don't drink kool-aid very well, not even his.

Anyhow, he asked me if I knew that the government was trying to pass legislation that would track the number of hours a user spent online and if you went over a certain amount, it would be deemed as an addiction and you'd have to (memory fails me here) take classes or pay a fine.

Now, dear readers, I've searched for stories that would give me greater detail on this and have yet to find one. Does anyone know of such a piece of legislation? If such a law were to be passed, how would you feel?

I think it's a ploy to keep you off the puter. lol
I searched for such legislation while out sick one day. None found but I wouldn't put it past anyone. My husband says that they are trying to say it is an addiction.
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