Sunday, November 20, 2005

How Did I Wind Up There?

I nearly fell out of my chair this morning. Now, I've got like 7 blogs. I confess, I'm crazy. If only I could get paid really well to be crazy or to sleep, now that would be nice. I can't do neat things like make afghans or anything. I can barely spell the word afghan without a dictionary. One of these days I plan to become rich through inheritance (mind you I know no rich folk), donation, winning of lottery or by sheer luck... If you haven't guessed by now, I also suffer from attention defecit disorder. Stringing together sentences that are coherent, cohesive and intelligent is also a challenge for me.

So, I'm sitting in my chair at this hour, an hour of which I am usually only awake during work days, reading other people's blogs to see if I have missed something to discover as I read on Tiny Cat Pants, that the beloved Aunt B. has saw fit to add me to her blog roll. Talk about fall out of your chair! Holy shmoly, my fellow readers. I was floored AND shocked AND I'm sitting here thinking, damn, I'm really going to have to clean up my writing style, add more flair, more description... people will come to expect that of me if they are reading Tiny Cat Pants and then it occurs to me that she must have found something in my blog which made her link to me so I must be on to something or doing something right at this very moment. Sitting in this very chair. Using this very mind that is in my head.

A sigh of relief is heard.

But never will I, again, be the same because Tiny Cat Pants has linked to me.

Hahahaha, I know how that is. :) Anytime I get blogrolled, pretty much, I'm all excited. But, *especially* when it's one of my heroes!!
Top o' the morning to ya.
Y'all, stop it. You're embarrassing me.
OK. Now I know the world is coming to an end.
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